1-Scope of applicability

This Code shall apply to any conduct, other than those specifically provided by other regulations and connected to the field of play that damages the integrity and reputation of football and in particular to illegal, immoral, and unethical behavior of the persons covered under article 2 of this Code.

The rules of conduct defined under part II, section 5 (articles 14 to 30) of this Code shall be included within their respective applicable regulations by the confederations and member associations unless such rules of conduct are already included within their respective regulations currently in place.

The principles of the sanctioning system referred to under part II, section 5 (articles 14 to 30) of this Code shall be used as a minimum requirement guidance by the confederations and member associations.

2-Persons covered

This Code shall apply to all officials and players as well as match agents licensed by FIFA and football agents, under the conditions of article 1 of this Code.

The Ethics Committee is entitled to investigate and judge the conduct of persons who were bound by this or another applicable Code at the time the relevant conduct occurred, regardless of whether the person remains bound by the Code at the time proceedings commence or any time thereafter.

3-Applicability in time

This Code applies to conduct whenever it occurred, including before the enactment of this Code. An individual may be sanctioned for a breach of this Code only if the relevant conduct contravened the Code applicable at the time it occurred. The sanction may not exceed the maximum sanction available under the then-applicable Code.

4-Scope of the Code, omissions, custom, doctrine, and jurisprudence

This Code governs every subject to which the text or the meaning of its provisions refers.

If there are any omissions in this Code with respect to procedural rules, and in case of doubts regarding the interpretation of the Code, the Ethics Committee shall decide in accordance with FIFA custom.

During all its operations, the Ethics Committee may draw on precedents and principles already established by sports doctrine and jurisprudence.

5-Division of the Ethics Committee, division of proceedings

The Ethics Committee shall be composed of an investigatory chamber and an adjudicatory chamber.

Ethics Committee proceedings shall be made up of an investigation and an adjudicatory process.

By: FIFA Code of Ethics, 2023

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